
Vision, Mission and Values driven, Udac breaks down barriers and builds bridges to community inclusion.

Udac Center of Excellence Personal Growth Model develops confidence, advances skills, and promotes independence.


Person Centered Practices

Person Centered Practices assist each individual to create a positive and meaningful life and build on the uniqueness of each individual – their interests, their strengths and their ideas for their life! The emphasis is on what the individual wants to accomplish and then we assist in creating opportunities and supports to allow for success in meeting their milestones to achieve their goals.

Employment Services

Employment Services is a process that is customized for each individual. It allows each person to gain an understanding of working in the community. Careers or jobs are included in the exploration.

Employment Exploration

Driven by knowledge, preferences and interests – each person explores employment to make informed decisions about competitive employment. Exploration of occupations, job shadowing, work experiences or job clubs, may be included.

Employment Development

Assists individuals to seek and obtain competitive, integrated employment using tools such as customized employment. Interviewing skills, resume development and business contacts support the job seeker in finding a desired career or job.

Employment Support

Ongoing services and support that help individuals be successful in community employment. Support services may include group or individual coaching for job success. Job counseling, job transportation, adaptive accommodations, modified work tasks, advocacy, negotiation and liaison communication with the employer may be included.

Certified Benefits Counselor

The newest service added to Udac’s platform is Benefits Planning; a service that is supported by a certified benefits planning coach, Chris McCord. Chris successfully completed DEED training to analyze an individual’s benefits to determine how employment will affect their benefits. Individuals and their teams have concerns about benefits being impacted and a fear about losing long-term benefits. Completing this process provides a realistic examination of the situation. It gives a a clear picture of how employment will typically enhance the overall income for an individual.

Happy Client working in Laundry Services
Happy Client working in Laundry Services
Happy Client working in Laundry Services
Young Client Laughing

Personalized Learning

Designed to grow skills and introduce new experiences, personalized learning invites and encourages the individual to explore new ideas and new opportunities. Learning is structured through activities; music, book clubs, creative writing, film, discussions, art, informational interviews, internships and community activities. The learning lab uses subject experts to assist in the learning journey.

Health & Wellness

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making decisions toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Discussions and activities provide tools that allow individuals to maintain or improve their health. The lab includes strength training, yoga, dental health, healthy eating, food shopping and selection, as well as nutrition.

Happy Client working in Laundry Services
Harvesting from Community Gardens

Independent Living

The Independent Living Lab is designed to teach skills that includes money management, social fluency, literacy, personal appearance and nutrition to independently live in the community.

Community Connections

The Community Connections Lab builds on the lessons learned from the other pods through community experiences. Volunteering, touring businesses and visiting local attractions are used as tools to further advance learning. This lab includes life safety education, an important desired outcome while living independently.

Happy Client working in Laundry Services